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GTBOX 新品牌登場

【預計訂貨時間 3-4 個星期】Logitech G Pro 專業模擬飛行儀表板 ( GP-LFSIP )

【預計訂貨時間 3-4 個星期】Logitech G Pro 專業模擬飛行儀表板 ( GP-LFSIP )

利用Logitech G 系列飛行儀表板,升級您的飛行模擬遊戲體驗。
彩色 3.5 吋 LCD 螢幕與您喜愛的飛行模擬軟體無縫整合。

全店,買滿 $2000 免運費 (只限香港)(澳門地區免運費不適用於桌上顯示器及ASUS所有產品)

指定分類,Logitech 網店限定贈送

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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

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Logitech G Pro Flight Simulator Instrument Panel
A colorful 3.5-inch LCD screen seamlessly integrates into your favorite flight sim software. The Instrument Panel automatically updates and reacts to software events, giving you accurate, real-time access to important flight and aircraft information.

15 Different Readouts in One Compact Box
Easy transitions between displays. Toggle between 15 different displays, or utilize additional units to create a larger configuration which simultaneously displays multiple panels. Twin dials and a set of hotkeys simplify switching between various readouts. Displays include:

  1. Airspeed Indicator
  2. Attitude Indicator
  3. Altimeter
  4. VHF
  5. Omnidirectional Radio (VOR) 1
  6. Heading Indicator
  7. Turn/Slip Indicator
  8. Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)
  9. Vertical Speed Indicator
  10. VHF Omnidirectional Radio (VOR) 2
  11. Engine Gauges
  12. ADF with Trim Indicator
  13. Cessna Airspeed Gauge
  14. RPM with Flaps Indicator
  15. Airborne Direction Finder (ADF)
  16. Primary Flight Display (PFD)

Fully Customizable for All Flying Conditions
Modular and Interchangeable. The Logitech G range of panels can be situated one on top of another or side-by-side. Want the Multi Panel above the Radio Panel? Done. Prefer your Switch Panel to the left of your Yoke? Go for it. Easy-to-use mounting brackets provide the means to arrange your flight simulation setup into any configuration.

Specifications :
Connection Type USB
USB Protocol USB 2.0
USB Speed Full Speed
Indicator Lights (LED) Yes
LCD Display Yes
USB Ports (Built-in) No
Backlighting No
Compatibility  - Windows® 11, 10, 8.1, 7
- 1 x USB 2.0 Port
- Internet connection for optional software download
Cable Length  1.8m
Dimensions (L x W x H) Flight Instrument Panel : 94 x 26 x 84 mm
Flight Instrument Panel Bracket : 94 x 80 x 80 mm
Weight 178 g
118 g (w/o bracket)


  • 【台灣】順豐服務中心取件(運費到付),相關的稅收款項需客戶支付。(*注意:各類包含液體或氣體產品,只限香港發售,不設海外郵遞。*)
  • [新年快樂, 初六啟市] 觀塘取貨點自取(備貨需要 1-2 個工作天)
  • [新年快樂, 初六啟市]香港送貨上門 +HK$100 ,如購物滿 $2,000 本選頂將自動減免運費 (偏遠地區需加收附加費)
  • [新年快樂, 初六啟市] 順豐站取件(運費到付)「如產品寫有[SF免運] 將會以寄付方式寄出」
  • [新年快樂, 初六啟市] 順豐服務中心取件(運費到付)「如產品寫有[SF免運] 將會以寄付方式寄出」
  • [新年快樂, 初六啟市] 辦公室/住宅地址直送 (經順豐速運)(運費到付)「如產品寫有[SF免運] 將會以寄付方式寄出」
  • [新年快樂, 初六啟市] 澳門寄送服務 (順豐快遞運費到付) (滿 $2,000 免運費) (桌上顯示器/電競椅網椅及所有ASUS產品不提供免運費優惠)


  • Payme 測試用 (請勿使用)
  • $1000 減 $100【AlipayHK網購優惠部落】(請先以 Alipay HK App 掃碼搶券) 支付寶 (HK)_SHOPLINE Payments
  • 轉數快
  • Payme (免手續費)
  • 八達通 (免手續費)
  • 信用卡 SHOPLINE Payments (+收3.0%附加費)
  • 澳門銀行戶口
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